Thursday 2 June 2011

Murmurs of the heart

Here I am…trying to answer the daunting silence of the divinity with speech of silence. Look at me…always giving the impression of searching for the delight of living when all I am doing is trying to buy a moment's respite from sorrow.

Maybe I was not meant to be happy. Happiness is not everybody's gift and sometimes its all in us…never understanding what will make us happy leaves us probing blindly within our circumstances, never realizing what we have and what is enough.

Sometimes knowledge is inimical to happiness. Why am I not happy? Why are most people nowadays, educated, modern people like us are never happy? Because we know too much…after all the saying goes…" Ignorance is Bliss". And whatever we are, no matter how hard one tries, in this modern world its next-to-impossible to remain ignorant…what with these modern tropes of communication and mass presentation, it is impossible to keep secrets. It was all a fallacy, a very unending hopeless belief that more we know, more we understand, we will at last find the truth of happiness, that we will turn the mirage of happiness into the reality of everlasting experience. How naïve we had been…how hopeless we continue to be in our endless search for answers. But, I have only understood that more we comprehend, the more we realize or learn, only sadness prevails. Even the joy of learning becomes too insignificant and loses its sacrosanct status in the greater perspective of the utter failure of creating anything worthwhile from that knowledge.

What have we learned? That, humans are capable of as much cruelty, as much destruction as they can imagine. And the answer to the why's behind these actions are as heartbreaking as the questions are. Do you think you can be happy once you know the reasons behind, maybe find a solution to prevent cruelty? If only, it was that simple. Because it is human nature that breeds CRUELTY. And what does that knowledge bestow? Grief…despondency…helplessness...

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